Basic Validation

The basic validatiors process inputs on your form.

    /* Input's Attributes*/
        "output":"outputVariableError", //Output variable to show the error.
        "validators":[/* Yours Input Validations */]
    "value":"{outputVariableError}" //Using output variable to show the error.


Validator that requires the iput have a non-empty value.

    /* Input's Attributes*/
                        "msg":"Required Field."
        /* Anothers Input Validations */


Validator that requires the input’s value to be greater than or equal to the provided number.

    /* Input's Attributes*/
                        "msg":"Less then 10."
        /* Anothers Input Validations */


Validator that requires the input’s value to be less than or equal to the provided number.

    /* Input's Attributes*/
                        "msg":"More then 10."
        /* Anothers Input Validations */


Validator that requires the length of the input’s value to be greater than or equal to the provided minimum length.

    /* Input's Attributes*/
                        "msg":"To short."
        /* Anothers Input Validations */


Validator that requires the length of the input’s value to be less than or equal to the provided maximum length.

    /* Input's Attributes*/
                        "msg":"To Long."
        /* Anothers Input Validations */


Validator that requires the input’s value pass an email validation test.

    /* Input's Attributes*/
        /* Anothers Input Validations */


Validator that requires the input’s value to match a regex pattern.

    /* Input's Attributes*/
        /* Anothers Input Validations */